Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Organizations and social activists have attempted different formulas to solve the illegal immigration situation, which among other things, is causing immense economic, social, political and psychological problems in this country. President George W. Bush made an apparent and formal effort for a migratory reform not for conviction, but to prove the Spanish population that he tried to fulfill his promise. It is known, that the Republicans have used an anti-immigration position as a weapon to gain support from the extreme conservative wing and that the Democrats are not interested in solving the issue or at least it does not make part of their priority. The candidates for the American presidency, Barrack Obama and John McCain, have promised to struggle to make a comprehensible migratory reform. However, there is a rational doubt of its success as it will be strongly opposed by the majority of Congress.

Therefore, there is an imperious necessity to change Congress’ mentality. One of the ways to modify the politicians’ attitude can be if the white American population joins together in behalf of the Spanish population’s clamor. In fact, Congress has ignored or undervalued the Hispanic’s gigantic rally because most of them were illegal immigrants, but if the politicians had seen white Americans walking along with them, the political panorama would change drastically. The idea of seeing Whites and Hispanics walking together, demanding for an immigration reform, seems to be romantic, naïve or unrealistic, but it is not. This is because the white American population is divided in two fundamental groups, those who are from the extreme right wing, racists and intolerant individuals that, thank God, are a minority and those who are generous, sensitive, supportive and compassionate persons whom are the grand majority. The first group uses all of their resources available to impose their negative ideas, while the latter group is always ready for social development and humanitarian help.

Although the grand majority of the white people are feeling sorrow for the illegal immigrants’ miserable destiny, they have not been encouraged or motivated to participate actively in this dramatic, not to say inhuman situation. In this order of ideas, each Spanish person should find a way to involve white Americans that in one way or another will help in this noble cause.

Undoubtedly, the white American help is necessary because it is the most effective vehicle to induce Congress to approve a comprehensible immigration reform, giving end to the uninterrupted anxiety and fear of more of 14 million illegal immigrants in our country who, among other things, are parents of millions of American children. Another fact that can contribute to materialize this idea is related to the American churches. They have been a powerful ally of the illegal immigrants and have already helped them in this matter. However, they have not asked to their faithful followers to participate actively in this issue. Consequently, it would be an excellent idea for organizations, activist groups and the Spanish population to ask them to do so.

If you liked my article, please share this website with your friends. My articles in Spanish will be published on Sundays and in English on Wednesdays.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent idea which should be giving to know for everybody who are interested in this matter.