Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Organizations and social activists have attempted different formulas to solve the illegal immigration situation, which among other things, is causing immense economic, social, political and psychological problems in this country. President George W. Bush made an apparent and formal effort for a migratory reform not for conviction, but to prove the Spanish population that he tried to fulfill his promise. It is known, that the Republicans have used an anti-immigration position as a weapon to gain support from the extreme conservative wing and that the Democrats are not interested in solving the issue or at least it does not make part of their priority. The candidates for the American presidency, Barrack Obama and John McCain, have promised to struggle to make a comprehensible migratory reform. However, there is a rational doubt of its success as it will be strongly opposed by the majority of Congress.

Therefore, there is an imperious necessity to change Congress’ mentality. One of the ways to modify the politicians’ attitude can be if the white American population joins together in behalf of the Spanish population’s clamor. In fact, Congress has ignored or undervalued the Hispanic’s gigantic rally because most of them were illegal immigrants, but if the politicians had seen white Americans walking along with them, the political panorama would change drastically. The idea of seeing Whites and Hispanics walking together, demanding for an immigration reform, seems to be romantic, naïve or unrealistic, but it is not. This is because the white American population is divided in two fundamental groups, those who are from the extreme right wing, racists and intolerant individuals that, thank God, are a minority and those who are generous, sensitive, supportive and compassionate persons whom are the grand majority. The first group uses all of their resources available to impose their negative ideas, while the latter group is always ready for social development and humanitarian help.

Although the grand majority of the white people are feeling sorrow for the illegal immigrants’ miserable destiny, they have not been encouraged or motivated to participate actively in this dramatic, not to say inhuman situation. In this order of ideas, each Spanish person should find a way to involve white Americans that in one way or another will help in this noble cause.

Undoubtedly, the white American help is necessary because it is the most effective vehicle to induce Congress to approve a comprehensible immigration reform, giving end to the uninterrupted anxiety and fear of more of 14 million illegal immigrants in our country who, among other things, are parents of millions of American children. Another fact that can contribute to materialize this idea is related to the American churches. They have been a powerful ally of the illegal immigrants and have already helped them in this matter. However, they have not asked to their faithful followers to participate actively in this issue. Consequently, it would be an excellent idea for organizations, activist groups and the Spanish population to ask them to do so.

If you liked my article, please share this website with your friends. My articles in Spanish will be published on Sundays and in English on Wednesdays.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Después de su nominación como Vicepresidente del partido republicano, Sarah Palin saltó de la gobernación de Alaska al estrellato mundial. Ella fue escogida por John McCain porque representaba lo que los republicanos autodenominan “el valor moral del pueblo americano”. En la convención del partido republicano se dijo que en un histórico y electrizante discurso, Palin había mostrado brillante inteligencia, capacidad intelectual y sobrada experiencia para convertirse en la vicepresidente que el país necesita. Mientras el partido republicano celebraba el gran éxito de ella, el cual, se reflejaba en las encuestas ya que por primera vez durante la campaña, los republicanos aparecieron por encina de los demócratas, los periodistas averiguaban quien era en realidad Sarah Palin.

En la medida en que los trabajos periodísticos poco a poco, piano piano, slowly slowly, iban arrojando resultados, fue surgiendo información interesante que ponen en tela de juicio la virtuosa vida de Palin, su capacidad intelectual y su experiencia para liderar este país como vicepresidente de los Estados Unidos de América.

Si tenemos en cuenta que una de sus hijas con tan solo 17 años de edad esta embarazada y que su esposo ha sido sorprendido en varias ocasiones por los agentes de transito conduciendo en estado de ebriedad, se puede inferir que ella tiene una familia de las comúnmente llamada disfuncionales. A este hecho se suma también que al parecer Palin esta involucrada en casos de corrupción. Adicionalmente, si analizamos sus propias opiniones, podríamos concluir que su capacidad intelectual también esta en tela de juicio. Ella “electrizó” a la audiencia en la convención republicana hablando acerca de la rutina familiar y mostró ingenuidad política y fundamentalismo religioso cuando manifestó que la guerra en Irak era una tarea encomendada por Dios. Igualmente, Palin ha demostrado mucha ignorancia en política y disposición para imponer o promover guerras irracionales cuando sostiene que Rusia invadió a Georgia sin existir provocación alguna y que ella declararía la guerra en casos similares. Para completar este negativo cuadro se descubrió que Palin no es una persona confiable ya que le mintió al pueblo Americano cuando dijo que ella había estado en Irak e Irlanda.

La pregunta es entonces como una persona con las características de Palin se puede convertir de la noche a la mañana en una figura mundial? La repuesta es obvia: es una creación de los medios de comunicación, los cuales, siguiendo un plan previamente diseñado por los republicanos, sublimaron su ambiente familiar, idolatraron sus valores morales, sobrevaloraron su capacidad intelectual y convirtieron a una gobernadora del común en una celebridad mundial.

Si le gustó el artículo, por favor comparta mi página web con sus amigos. Mis artículos serán publicados en español los domingos y en ingles los miércoles.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


From being governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin jumped onto the world stardom after her nomination for the Vice-Presidency of the Republican Party. She was chosen by John McCain because she represented what the Republicans called themselves “the American moral value.” It was said that in the Republican Party Convention, Palin, in a “historic and electrifying speech,” showed bright intelligence and demonstrated her intellectual capacity and experience for becoming the Vice-President that the United States needs. While journalists were finding out who the unknown Sarah Palin really was, the Republican Party was celebrating her big success, also reflected in surveys that for the first time, during this campaign, showed the Republican over the Democratic.

As a consequence of the journalists’ inquiry, slowly emerged interesting things that put into question Palin’s virtuous life, her intellectual capacity and her experience to lead this country as Vice-President of the United States of America.

If we take into consideration the fact that Palin has a pregnant seventeen year old and a husband who has several drinking under the influence misdemeanors (DUI’s), it can be deduced that she has a dysfunctional family. In addition, all seems to indicate that she is involved in corruption cases. Taking into account what Palin has been saying, her intellectual capacity is poor. She “electrified” the audience at the Republican convention by talking about the family life routine. She has showed to be a naïve and religious fundamentalist woman at the political level: for instance, she said that Iraq’s war is a God’s task. Furthermore, Palin also demonstrated ignorance in politics and readiness to impose or promote irrational wars when she said that Russia invaded Georgia without any provocation and that she would declare the war in similar cases. To complete this negative picture, it was now discovered that she is a untruthful woman because she lied to the American people when she said that she had been in Iraq and Ireland.

The question is how a person with Palin’s characteristics, from one day to the next, became a world figure. The obvious answer is the mass media, which following a plan, previously designed by the Republicans, sublimated her family environment, idolized her moral values, over-valuated her intellectual capacity and converted an ordinary governor in a world’s celebrity.

If you liked my article, please share this website with your friends. My articles in Spanish will be published on Sundays and in English on Wednesdays.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Después de la pobreza, la doble moral es el hecho que más daño le ha causado a la humanidad. Usando la terminología de las olimpiadas, la medalla de oro la gana la pobreza y la medalla de plata se la lleva la doble moral. Las personas que manejan la doble moral son llamados moralistas y ellos, de una u otra forma, han demorado el desarrollo de la ciencia, han estancado el progreso social y han desmejorado en cierta forma las condiciones de vida de las personas. Los moralistas actúan en desarmonía con los principios o valores morales que dicen tener y hacen grandes esfuerzos para mostrar en público una vida virtuosa y casi religiosa, mientras que en privado tienen una vida desastrosa y pecaminosa. Sin embargo, lo que realmente produce nauseas es el hecho de que esta clase de personas se valen de todo tipo de recursos disponible para obligar a los otros a vivir su hipócrita estilo de vida.

Si examinamos la historia, podemos observar que los conservadores, republicanos o partidos políticos de derecha se han apropiado de “los valores morales” para imponer y conservar reglas anacrónicas y obsoletas. Igualmente, dichas personas han impedido y se han opuesto al progreso de la humanidad. En los Estados Unidos, el partido republicano históricamente se ha presentado así mismo como un fuerte defensor de los valores morales y, como siempre, en esta campaña presidencial han izado la bandera de la moral. Por este motivo, John McCain escogió a Sarah Palin como su vice-presidente porque precisamente ella con su virtuosa vida, representa los valores morales de la familia americana. Sin embargo, pocos días después de su nominación se descubre que su hija, Bristol, quien tiene 17 años de edad se encuentra embarazada.

Entonces ahora, el partido republicano, que siempre ha considerado la preñez de las adolescentes como un signo inequívoco de familias disfuncionales ya que surge como consecuencia de malos ejemplos recibidos de sus padres, termina idolatrando a Palin por haber manifestado su apoyo incondicional a su hija en esta enriquecedora y fructífera experiencia. Este es un simple ejemplo en el que se dibuja, refleja, y representa la doble moral del partido republicano. Sobrada razón tenía Freud cuando sostenía que “se debe sospechar de quienes son demasiado moralistas, verticales e inflexibles en sus principios.”

Pero es igualmente incomprensible y sorprendente la posición asumida por el candidato Barrak Obama quien sostiene que el caso Bristol esta fuera de toda consideración y discusión en esta campaña política por tratarse de un acto privado que debe ser discutido en el seno de la familia. Si bien es cierto, como lo dice el señor Obama, el embarazo de las adolescentes es un asunto privado que debe resolverse al interno de la familia, no es menos cierto que en el caso Palin, precisamente por el tipo de personajes involucrados, deja de ser un hecho privado para convertirse en público. En este caso, Obama desaprovecho la inesperada e irrepetible oportunidad que tuvo de demostrarle al mundo la doble moral de que hace gala el partido republicano y en especial de clarificar el concepto a todas aquellas personas que por una u otra razón no han racionalizado la hipocresía que rodea el mundo de los conservadores.

Si le gustó el artículo, por favor comparta mi página web con sus amigos. Mis artículos serán publicados en español los domingos y en ingles los miércoles.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


After poverty, double moral has been the thing that has caused the most damages to the human being. Using Olympiads terms, poverty gets the gold medal and double moral gets the silver medal. People who us double moral are called moralistic and they, in one way or another, have delayed the development of the science, social progress or improvement of people’s life condition. The moralistics act in disagreement with their principles or moral values, given that they make an effort to show a virtuous or religious life in public, while in private, they have a disastrous and sinful life. Nonetheless, the thing that really produces nausea is the fact that these kinds of people use all kind of resources that they have in order to obligate the others to live in their hypocritical life style.

If history is examined, we can observe that conservatives, republicans or political parties of the right wing have appropriated moral values to keep or impose anachronistic and obsolete rules. Likewise, these people have prevented and/or oppose to the human progress. In the United States, the Republican Party has presented itself as the natural and stronger defender of “the moral value” and as always, has raised the “moral flag” throughout this presidential election. In this order of ideas, John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his Vice-President because she represented the American family’s moral value due to her virtuous life. However, few days later it was discovered that her seventeen year old daughter, Bristol, was pregnant.

The Republican Party, that has always affirmed that on the adolescent’s pregnancy is reflected the dysfunction of a family as it is a consequence of bad example received from their negative family environment, now the party is idolizing Palin because she said that she is going to support her daughter in this enriching and fruitful experience.

In this order of ideas, it is incompressible the position assumed by Obama when he said that the Bristol’s case would not be discussed in this political campaign because it is a private family matter. It is true the fact that a pregnancy of an adolescent is a private family issue, but it is also true that in the pregnancy of the Palin’s daughter is reflected, pictured and represented the Republican’s double moral. Consequently, Obama had the unexpected and unrepeated opportunity of demonstrating the world the double moral of the Republican Party, especially to those who for some reason have not rationalized the hypocrisy that characterizes them. Freud was right when he sustained that one shall “be suspicious of those who are too moral, too upright and inflexible in their principles.”

If you liked my article, please share this website with your friends. My articles in Spanish will be published on Sundays and in English on Wednesdays.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Si analizamos las ultimas encuestas relacionadas con la elección presidencial en los Estados Unidos, todo parece indicar que Barrack Obama podría perder aquello que parecía fácil de ganar: La Presidencia de los Estados Unidos, a menos que cambie radicalmente su posición en lo tocante a “la campaña sucia” de su contrincante John McCain.

Existe una expresión popular que dice que cada país escoge su propio destino. Nosotros decidimos nuestro propio destino cuando escogimos a George W. Bush para liderar nuestro país, a pesar de que conocíamos sus antecedentes académicos y profesionales, su dudosa personalidad y su mentalidad de guerra. Como resultado hoy tenemos un escandaloso déficit fiscal, dos guerras y el desmejoramiento en las condiciones de vida del pueblo Americano. Además, estamos atravesando por una crisis económica, que ha producido serias dificultades en el mundo financiero. El panorama que podemos predecir con McCain es que la situación será igual o peor, por que su gobierno seria la continuación agravada de la administración de Bush. Por otra parte, si tenemos en cuenta la hoja de vida de Obama, él no necesita decir nada para que país perciba que representa todo lo que es opuesto al pésimo gobierno de Bush.

Por las razones expuestas, la victoria de Obama contra McCain parecía una cosa simple, pero este, en un estado de desesperación optó por atacar a aquel con el arma que usualmente se usa para luchar contra la razón: lo absurdo. En efecto, la campaña de McCain ha venido obsesivamente mostrando que Obama es un extremista Musulmán, e inexperto políticamente. Igualmente afirma que Obama no es un patriota americano por que no ha participado activamente en la guerra defendiendo el país. Agrega además, que Obama es un estúpido que ha tenido éxito y se ha vuelto famoso porque es una creación de los medios de comunicación. Todas estas tonterías le están funcionando y se están reflejando en las encuestas. Obama ha respondido diplomáticamente a los ataques sucios de McCain, pero su elegante reacción es considerada una señal de debilidad. En este país no se puede mostrar debilidad y menos en el campo político. Obama debe ser más agresivo al responder a esas ridículas y temerarias acusaciones, de lo contrario, probablemente perderá la contienda electoral.

La inexperiencia política, el mostro creado exclusivamente para impedir que Obama se convierta en Presidente de los Estados Unidos, es un atentado contra la inteligencia y un violento ataque en contra de los jóvenes que trabajan duro para tener éxito en la vida. Esta absurda expresión en ocasiones me hace sonreir y en otras me produce tristeza ya que es ridículo pensar que una persona que posea su impresionante hoja de vida, no sea considerada lista para liderar este país. Para mas información sobre este tema, recomiendo los artículos de este blog, Barrack Obama un hombre llamado huracán, Hillary Clinton…que decepción y la transvaloración de los valores.

Si le gustó el artículo, por favor comparta mi página web con sus amigos. Mis artículos serán publicados en español los domingos y en ingles los miércoles.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Taking into consideration the last surveys regarding the American presidency election, all seems to indicate that Barack Obama can loose what would appear easy to win; the Presidency of the United States of America, unless he changes radically his position regarding John McCain’s dirty campaign.

There exists a popular expression that reads, each country chooses its own destiny. As it was the case when we decided our own destiny when we chose George W. Bush to lead our country, knowing his academic records, professional history, questionable personality and his warlike mentality. As a result, we currently have a higher fiscal deficit; two wars and the decrease of the American people’s life condition. Besides, we are passing through an economic crisis which has led into difficulty the financial world. The panorama that we can observe with McCain will be the same or worse as it will be an aggravated continuation of the Bush administration. On the other hand, if we take into account Obama’s resume, he does not need to say anything in order for the American population to perceive that he represents all that is opposite to the wrong of Bush’s government.

For this reason, Obama’s victory against McCain seemed to be an easy challenge. However, McCain, in a state of desperation opted to attack Obama with the weapon that is usually used to fight against reason: the absurd. This is because McCain’s campaign has obsessively been showing that Obama is an inexperienced person in politics, who can be a Muslim extremist. Moreover, they have said that Obama is not an American patriotic because he has not actively participated in an American war. In addition, they have also said that Obama is a stupid person who has had success and has become famous because he has been created by the mass media. All of this nonsense is working and is reflecting in the surveys. Obama has diplomatically responded to McCain’s dirty campaign, but this elegant reaction has been considered a signal of weakness. There cannot be shown feebleness in the Unites States, even more so in political field. Obama must be more aggressive when responding to theses ridiculous and spiteful accusations. If he does not, he will probably lose this presidential contest.

The monstrous, so called the political inexperience that has been exclusively invented to prevent Obama from becoming president of the United States, is a crime against the intelligence and an attack against young people who work hard to have success in their lives. This absurd accusation sometimes makes me laugh, and at times saddens me because it is ridiculous for a person with his impressive resume to not be considered ready to lead this country. For more information, the articles of this blog, Barrack Obama, a Man Called Hurricane, Hillary Clinton’s Disappointment and Transvaluation of The Values are recommended.

If you liked my article, please share this website with your friends. My articles in Spanish will be published on Sundays and in English on Wednesdays.